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Monday, February 18, 2008

It's a donkaphant..

We'd hum on election day instead of crying our brains out if a song were President. I prefer humming to crying, but that's just me.

After browsing the website for Ron Paul's congressional opponent in the 14 district down in TX something dawned on me: People want the government to be their church. Since they aren't getting much from their church, they look to government. Take Bush's faith based initiatives for example. The government actually takes YOUR money and gives it to a karate group (for example) that goes around sharing a quick version of the gospel along with their 20 minute or so karate show. Yes it's true. I say a version of the gospel because there is no accountability for these groups as to whether they are even adhering to Biblical doctrine or not. You may wonder what's wrong with this but let me ask one question: How will you like faith based initiatives when Obama is President and increases spending in these initiatives to further the spread of Islam? If President Bush would like to give money to help others and give them the gospel, GREAT- please do it with your church or you own money, Pres. Bush! He actually has a desire that most of us Christians have or at least ought to have. But, Mr. Bush don't take my money to do it. The government should not be involved in charity. See Davy Crockett on welfare and charity:

Anyways, this is nothing new. "Conservatism" has become a feel good religion and it's god and standard are emotions. This false conservatism rightly believes that Homosexuality is bad so it then goes on to believe that we need to have the government involved in licencing marriage. (Marriage is between God and man). Conservatism wants to defend out country. (again, bravo!) This means tightening our borders and making sure we have troops here should our country be attacked. But, instead we invade other countries while our borders stand wide open. "Conservatives" should be more thankful to Clinton for starting this pattern, after all, Clinton paved the way for Bush's arrogant imperialism. We would do well to look back to our founding fathers when they said: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."


Kristen said...

I wanna be as smart as you when I grow up.

Melissa said...

thanks Kristen, I'll pay ya by next week. Keep the good comments coming and you'll be in for a bonus. lol