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Saturday, March 22, 2008

where does he get this

Well, yesterday was my birthday (I partied hardy since it's the last one in my 20's.)
and so Aunt Joanna spent the day with Anna and Caleb. She had a brilliant idea to actually type out one of Caleb's stories that continually pour out of his mouth several times a day.
Here is one:

One day I WAS playing with my Legos and something stomped in and it was a monster. That's the end of it. The monsters name was nobody, thats his name nobody, his name is nobody. He's just black and white and brown and nothing else. His head is black and his body he's wearing a soft coat. His body is also black. He is wearing black hair and he has a toy that is legos and he has something that doesnt belong to anybody. And he has something really funny a black maker puppet. His name is Black, Kecky Koo, BLAHSK his name is also Legos and Egos and Eagles and Egos and Eagles and Edos and Eboos Ejoos, Eters, his name is Eaters. BLOCKS! He has an American doll and long hair and up to his feet and up to his shoes and his pappy doos. And he has a horse who has long hair down to his feet and it can talk, it's name is Pappy doo as well. Fish? Why are we talking about fish? Fish over there? Where is the fish? I dont see it, too bad, I dont know where they are. Something smells bad. Your hair smells bad. I don't hear any candles in my ears. Can I have one more cracker. Okay I have a realy funny story Mommy was fixing me a monster and it was the legos I could eat. And babos and capos and burbers and chuggers and we got to have other things too but I dont know what they are, so I got it out and the big monster came and then you know what happen nexts? A big monster came and it was Americahoos and it was big and small and it was a bad day for the burk. I didnt know what happened to it, it was bad, the monster was bad and he never gave up. And then he saw me! And then I got killed! And then I pulled out my sword and killed the monster and then another nice bear was nice. So he gave up and said lets go play our lock and then he said lets go play at the park and then no one gave up he pepped up and rolled under the shshere and it was a bad day. No one was here with us. So we picked up and then no body else came. I don't know what to say anymore. I was on a green couch though this morning and I was sleeping on the green couch and I woke up and found a gun and shoot up the bad monster and then I found a new gun and then I was sleeping very well and then I took off my shoes. End of the story.

Can anyone recommend what to do with this 3 year old boy???

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I don't believe there is such a thing as sayin' too much

Well, since this blog is semi-journaling, semi-entertaining (at least it tries to be) I need to create a post chronicling a day in the life at the Taylor house. (Round Hill Taylors mind you- the cooler ones) I'm actually stealing this idea from another person's blog. Theirs will be much more interesting but I want this for posterity sake. When I am old and bored, I can look back on this and smile : ) This was a more laid back day. No Dr. appointments, no errands, no trip to the park.

Get up at ____ (I won't enter a time here but I have my excuses) and wake to find Anna reading Caleb a book in bed. Sneak downstairs to start breakfast, load of laundry, make coffee, make Josh's lunch. Jesse's screaming, and Caleb gallops to the kitchen demanding (well he did ask nicely) fruit.
"NO FRUIT!" I exclaim and start pancakes. Make Jesse's oh-so-enticing mash of bananas and oat flour. Try to get Anna to feed it to him while I make Josh's lunch. Jesse does not settle for this one bit. Food only comes from woman in late 20's with a ponytail he says to himself. Maybe I can get by with just nursing him I tell myself. (he looked quite tired) Caleb and Anna eat, Josh is out the door, and I am realizing that the floor looks quite foggy. Yes, a floor can look foggy when milk has been spilled on it several, several times and only quickly cleaned up with a small cloth. Oh, but Jesse needs to nurse now and Anna needs to start math! Caleb is still eating and decides he should help himself to more pancake syrup since mom is busy.
Caleb also decides he needs to go outside in his boxer briefs and t-shirt in the rain to get something out of the van. Caleb comes inside, is banished to the couch so I can mop/check e-mail/drink coffee while Anna gets dressed. Mopping is done, coffee only sipped, Jesse is already awake. Short nap. Probably because he didn't get HIS BANANAS!!! Feed Jesse his gruel, nurse him agAIN and FINALLY get to math. Math goes well except all of a sudden towards the end of the lesson pennies have become nickles. Nickles were five cents and Pennies were one cent at the beginning of the lesson but now pennies and nickles are the same. Go over lesson again. Caleb wants an origami polar bear. It's after lunchtime now and Anna has only done math and violin. No lunch yet. Anna does her oral reading to Caleb while Jesse is tended to and lunch is fixed. Good thing there was leftover homemade pizza. Yes, whole wheat, because giving the kids anything else would be like giving them cigarettes! Kidding. Well that's exhausting.. I think the day continued in the same frantic pace. But at least ALL OF school was completed, SOME cleaning was finished, SOME laundry was done, SOME children were fed (ok, all were fed!), we finished Rabbit Hill and the kids and I even had our new BFFs over for socialization practice. (I need all I can get) As I look back however, I feel like nothing was accomplished, and yet EVERYTHING was.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, Jesse just happens to have the best uncle in the whole world.
Anna and I took off to Starbucks on a lazy Sunday afternoon while
Jacob volunteered (more likely was bugged to) hang with Jesse
at the big Taylor house. After my cap fix, I returned to discover
quite a precious moment. Jacob gets an A+++ and his payment is,
well, he gets to watch Jesse again! Uncles are such a blessing to the
little guys. (they love big guys to hang with)

he grins at the girls and they always grin back

Well, in case you are a grandmother, or want to become a grandmother, just know what's around the bend. Your grandson is likely to raid your pantry to commence in structural engineering.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Indoctrination never looked so good

MMM...Anna Just got an American Girl Doll named Julie. Complete with story book! Now she can learn all about male chauvinists. The book was complete with lots of great history: Gloria Steinem, Title 9, Billie Jean King, etc. Even "Julie's" dad is a bum and her parents got divorced. That's ok, cause it's much more fun with it just being "the girls" now. Later on in the book, Julie has to fight evil coach Manley because he won't let her play basketball on the boys team. He even throws her petitions out that she worked so tirelessly to obtain! Please, women were created for a purpose so much greater than living a disgruntled life. Feminism is full of so much bondage. Please, we are smarter, better, worth more than those fems think.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Hillary wants to give us smart babies

Give it up for Rush

Rush...doony that is.
I have been taking an intellectual sabbatical as of late. Thankfully I don't feel as guilty since while at the playground today I learned (how did I miss this important stat) that it IS true: pregnancy causes the brain to shrink and it certainly doesn't grow back while breastfeeding.

Recently I have started reading the Chalcedon report again and one of the recent issues was so fantastic, SO fantastic I had to post a quote from it. Christopher Ortiz wrote an article: The City of God: Readings in R. J. Rushdoony on the Christian World Order.
So here is a little dose of R.J. for you who are NOT taking an intellectual sabbatical
The Aristocracy of Talent

"Because there will always be a governing class, and that governing class will reflect the good or evil directions and impulses dominant in society, it is important therefore to do two things, one to produce and train a superior class, and two, to produce and train a vast body of people who will want the leadership that new superior class can provide.
It is most certainly necessary to fight against subversion and against heresy, but something more is needed, a new faith and character in society at large, and a new leadership, a new governing class in terms of that faith and character...
What needs to be done is, first, to bring forth a new people. This is the basic task of evangelism. Moral dry-rot has not only destroyed the older Christendom but the newer humanistic world order. There can be no new class as long as we remain tied to the forms of the old, such as statist schools. Truly Christian schools must be established, and both old and young re-educated in terms of a total faith. Every sphere of life must be viewed in terms of the whole counsel of God.
Second, new leadership must be trained, a new aristocracy of talent in terms of the new humanity of Christ. This leadership must re-think every discipline in terms of Biblical thought: theology, philosophy, science, economics, statecraft or political science, law, and all things else must be re-thought and re-established in terms of Biblical premises."

This is what Rushdoony referred to as "godly rule," viz. that salvation is not fire insurance against an eternity in hell but has implications for all of life."

Later on the article closes with yet another Rush gem: "None of us is called to set the world or our time aright, but rather to meet our responsibilities under God. The responsibility and work at hand is ours; the issue is in the hands of God"
