and so Aunt Joanna spent the day with Anna and Caleb. She had a brilliant idea to actually type out one of Caleb's stories that continually pour out of his mouth several times a day.
Here is one:
One day I WAS playing with my Legos and something stomped in and it was a monster. That's the end of it. The monsters name was nobody, thats his name nobody, his name is nobody. He's just black and white and brown and nothing else. His head is black and his body he's wearing a soft coat. His body is also black. He is wearing black hair and he has a toy that is legos and he has something that doesnt belong to anybody. And he has something really funny a black maker puppet. His name is Black, Kecky Koo, BLAHSK his name is also Legos and Egos and Eagles and Egos and Eagles and Edos and Eboos Ejoos, Eters, his name is Eaters. BLOCKS! He has an American doll and long hair and up to his feet and up to his shoes and his pappy doos. And he has a horse who has long hair down to his feet and it can talk, it's name is Pappy doo as well. Fish? Why are we talking about fish? Fish over there? Where is the fish? I dont see it, too bad, I dont know where they are. Something smells bad. Your hair smells bad. I don't hear any candles in my ears. Can I have one more cracker. Okay I have a realy funny story Mommy was fixing me a monster and it was the legos I could eat. And babos and capos and burbers and chuggers and we got to have other things too but I dont know what they are, so I got it out and the big monster came and then you know what happen nexts? A big monster came and it was Americahoos and it was big and small and it was a bad day for the burk. I didnt know what happened to it, it was bad, the monster was bad and he never gave up. And then he saw me! And then I got killed! And then I pulled out my sword and killed the monster and then another nice bear was nice. So he gave up and said lets go play our lock and then he said lets go play at the park and then no one gave up he pepped up and rolled under the shshere and it was a bad day. No one was here with us. So we picked up and then no body else came. I don't know what to say anymore. I was on a green couch though this morning and I was sleeping on the green couch and I woke up and found a gun and shoot up the bad monster and then I found a new gun and then I was sleeping very well and then I took off my shoes. End of the story.
Can anyone recommend what to do with this 3 year old boy???
This makes me very afraid.
Give that boy lots of art supplies in every medium! What a creative genious!
ohmygosh -- love it. I think he's smarter than the rest of us.
Wow! What an amazing story (totally typical for Caleb though)! I definitely detected some Dr. Suess influence. Loved it! Yeah to JoAnna for capturing the moment.
Can anyone recommend what to do with this 3 year old boy???
Ummm...self-publishing? :-)
Get him writing this stuff asap...
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