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Monday, October 20, 2008

You can DO IT!

Looking into the face of a 4, 3, or even two-year-old you might find yourself thinking: "There is no way in the world I can teach my child the fundamental, basic theological principles found throughout the entire Bible when they can't even wipe their own snot, or bottoms for that matter!" But as our friend Tony Little would say: "You can do it!". (sorry I just couldn't resist)

I was just reminded recently again, nay, newly inspired to continue with the most basic form of Biblical training: Catechizing! There really is nothing better in the world. Ok, well maybe a few things but the point is that one of the most fundamental things to teach our children apart from the inspired words of Scripture is the Catechism. The Catechism explains to them who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing. I would submit to you that if you were to have a "spiritual" conversation with any given 7 or 8 year old who has been catechized, they would shock and awe you with their deep understanding of sanctification, the purpose of a Christian life, the meaning of sin and it's effect on our lives, and I could go on and on as most of you know.

This is CRITICAL training we must give our children. The church has always done it. It is only in modern America where it matters "only what YOU think the Bible means". I have seen three very valuable things flow out of catechizing:
1. When a child is catechized, their default thinking slowly becomes more Scriptural. These questions about who God is and what he has done becomes written in their hearts. It is FAR more important to them as a Christian than cutesy dumbed down Bible stories illustrated with kid-friendly pandering cartoon images. (nothing wrong with those, I actually enjoy using them as a teaching tool occasionally.) When their brains start working and their mouths start moving, whatever is in the heart is sure to pour out.
2. We need the next generation prepared to guard against heresy as it is ever abounding! The things a child hears will instantly have to run by the catechism red flag. A child may think when he hears some sort of doctrine preached or talked about: "hum... that does not add up to what I know the Bible teaches on that matter- I better investigate it more thoroughly to make sure it is scriptural."
3. Catechizing helps the parent articulate the truths in Scripture in a way the child can understand. It has reminded me time and time again of things that, shamefully, had gone to the back of my brain!

Of course the catechism is not inerrant, but it provides a rock to build so much more on. It should never take the place of Scripture but rather serve as the best tool children can use in their understanding of scripture. They can memorize the answers BEFORE they can fully understand. I have become delinquent in my catechizing of the rugrats over the last 6-8 months and now that I am rejuvenated, I hope this can be an encouragement to anyone needing it. Although, I have noticed *cough, cough* that many are much more diligent in this than myself. Forgive me while I talk (or yell) to myself about how this is more important than grammar or math. I so easily forget.

here's a great place to start ( I also have a book with little stories to help explain each of the questions- it's an awesome format!):

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